
Ernest Slugworth and the Chocolate Factory

The true and wonderful story of Timmy Twonka's biggest rival and childhood friend. Words and Illustration by Matt Farr.

Cocktail: Maverick

An essay about a movie that doesn’t exist but requires you to have seen real movies that I’ll pretend don’t exist. Illustration by Maja Naumczyk.

2 Fast 2 Furious 2 Me

he’s only gone and written a sequel, which like all Hollywood sequels is guaranteed to be bigger + better than the first.

Bake In’

A short story about the Great British Bake Off that feels like a very long bad dream.

The Fast and The Furious and The Me

An inherently pointless illustrated 6000+ word essay about watching the Fast & Furious Saga in a week in the middle of a global pandemic.


text from a work in progress show exploring masculinity, and a possible antidote to its toxicity through my one-sided relationship with the late Hollywood actor Paul Newman